It's Never Too Much

Constant reassurance,
Consistent assertions,
Consistent communication,
Constant check ups,
And enough water to drink,
It's never too much

Constant laughters,
Consistent appreciations,
Consistent compliments,
Constant giftings,
And enough water to drink,
It's never too much

Good motivation
Better decisions,
Best relationships,
Healthy habits,
And enough water to drink,
It's never too much

Big dreams,
Clearer visions,
Growth mindset,
Mindful lessons,
And enough water to drink,
It's never too much

Life isn't as hard as you think,
Most times, all you need is a simple routine,
A face filled with smile,
A motivated self,
And enough water to drink,
It's never too much


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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