Emotional Blackmailer.

This is how I look at them just like this friend of mine.

I've seen a lot of people in this life
I've dealt with a lot of people with double knife
They claim to have been wronged when they are the guilty party
They are pigs and they don't mind going dirty
I've seen a lot so I am not oblivious to their ways
They want everyone to roll over for them but I don't
I am super nice but there are some things I won't take
Because I believe my kind of person is at stake
For them they want you to roll over and take a break
Overlook their faults while they magnify yours
Anyone like this would soon self-destruct because they won't learn
They won't learn the errors of their own ways
As they always find a way to justify their erroneous days
It's okay to make mistakes but it takes the humble to learn, come what may
I've seen it all and this is not a brag
But anyone who wants to play smart, I will drag
They expect loyalty and apology from others when they lack it
They lie, cheat and ruin other's reputations yet they want you to back it
It's their mess, they need to own up to it and pack it
Not even emotional blackmail can make me bulge because of my emotions, I've parked it



Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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