The staircases in the forests

The staircases huh? Yeah I've seen quite a few of them in my time as a contract killer of monsters. Some look new, some are old and dilapidated, and some are white while others are blue. They come in various colors and states of decay or lack thereof.

I never went up any of the stairs myself, but from my friends that work in search and rescue have told me the best advice I've ever received in my line of work. Ignore the damn staircases, don't go up them, don't even acknowledge that they're even there.

That's fair right? Happens that something bad comes around that fucks shit up. Now I'm not going to fight the advice of someone that's been there and done that. Let's just say, children tend to not heed advice like an adult would.

Children end up missing for days or weeks or even never found at all, but those that are found are in some really messed up places that they shouldn't have logically been able to get to. Some are emaciated beyond recognition while others are just dirty and somehow still well fed.

You can easily lose time if your head isn't on straight in the wilderness. You may think you've been gone for a half hour when the reality is you've been gone for weeks. Search and rescue seeks people out that have gone missing and reported missing. And they almost always find a staircase in the vicinity they're looking through.

My first staircase I passed right through the area and threw on my working hat to kill, I wasn't searching for a missing kid the same search and rescue search for them. I hunt monsters that search and rescue know of all too well.

Now interest does swell in my mind from time to time, to temp fate and actually see what happens if I do ascend the stairs, but so far to date I've never bothered with the risk. Afterall, when hunting a skinwalker, you don't bring garlic.

Others in my professional have taken the stairs to being portals or gateways to places that shouldn't be. We hypothesize that these staircases are where a lot of these monsters end up coming from. I don't buy it, I don't think there's a supernatural explanation to the staircases in the forests and woods.

Should you run into one yourself, I still recommend to heed the warning, and leave them the fuck alone.

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Sorry for the shorter post, I'm in a hell of a lot of pain right now and it's super difficult to think.

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