"From Fear To Light" | BlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Nightmare

BlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Nightmare


"From Fear To Light"

In the still of the night, I lay in bed,
My mind is consumed with fear and dread.
A shadow creeps across the wall,
And I'm left feeling small and small.

The darkness closes in,
And I'm left without a single sound.
My heart beats fast, my body shakes,
As I'm consumed by my own mistakes.

A presence looms, just beyond my sight,
Leaving me with a feeling of fright.
I attempt to run, but my feet are glued,
Trapped in a world I can't elude.

But then, a glimmer of light appears,
And I'm left with a sense of hope and cheers.
I realize that fear is just a dream,
And that I'm stronger than it may seem.

Taking a deep breath, I still my mind,
Leaving the fear far behind.
A sense of tranquility and calm takes hold,
And I know I can brave any storm, bold.

Even in the darkest of nights,
There's always a trace of light.
With bravery and resilience, I can confront my fears,
And become stronger year by year.


Here's my entry for this week's prompt "Nightmare." I'd like to express my gratitude to @hive-161465 for being an excellent host for this blockchain poets community. Click this link to join the challenge. Enjoy reading, and thank you for your time.

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