BlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Faith

BlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Faith



Every day is a battle,
a struggle to survive,
To keep the demons at bay and stay alive,
To face the darkness that clouds the mind,
And find the light that is so hard to find.

It's a fight that you wage with all your might,
Against the fear and the doubt that pall your sight,
Against the pain and the anguish that weigh you down,
And the thoughts that hang to make you drown.

But through it all, you hold onto your faith,
A lamp that guides you through the darkest of days,
A resort that sustains you when all other fails,
And a pledge that future will bring a new tale.

For you know that the road may be long and hard,
And the trip may be filled with numerous a shard,
But you are determined to keep on fighting,
And to keep on trying, no matter how daunting.

Take note, my friend,
and know that you are not alone,
For there are many who struggle and fight on their own,
And though the road may be rough and the path unclear,
Your faith will guide you, and your strength will persist.

For you're a warrior, a fighter, a survivor,
And your spirit is one that will no tire,
So hold onto your faith, and keep on believing,
For the light is always there, awaiting and receiving.

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Here is my entry for this week's prompt. I am attempting to write frequently in this community and join in the challenge as part of my routine. I genuinely hope this piece resonates with those who are struggling with their lives. Always have faith and believe that everything happens for a reason.


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