Be Thankful

Direction is flawed
What's right is unclear
People are frauds
And truth is hard to hear
What is right
What is wrong
Does any fight
Lead to a doves song?
Values, principles, what are they
When greed often leaves us stranded
Out of everyone, no one gets a say
Only those born rich or with it handed
You know, people are dying every day
And none have thought to say hey
That was a unique individual we just lost
All their ideas and connections the cost
Some people are born without wings, some born flying
The ones in the sky can ignore the ones dying
To themselves they can keep lying
While those below are suffering and crying
So the next time you think about how hard your life is
Think, at least it's better than his
The child with no family no place to call home
Stranded, starving, and ultimately alone.




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