Spontaneous Haibun, a Mixture of Haiku and Prose


A few months have gone by,
since I last published anything on here...
Or actually have been active on the platform.
Therefore, this is my unofficial return!

Since my previous endeavors, I have learned
a new word: Haibun, which refers to a mixture
of Haiku poems, interwoven together with prose...
So in a similar spirit of spontaneity to my past offerings,
I give you, my first ever Spontaneous Haibun!

image source:

World of Illusion
Nothing is as it Appears
To the Naked Eye

If one strives to unlearn, a trained outlook can be attained, Freeing oneself from limited and biased preconceived perceptions...

Once, We Were Children
Our Eyes Filled With Wonderment
For All We Could See

Can one then learn to reclaim the paradigm of infancy, unfettered and unburdened, so the weight of experience does not adulterate the purity of our joy of discovery?

Must We Separate
Experience From Wisdom?
Learn How to Forget...

Instead of wallowing in resentment and regret, children live in the now. Hence, only those patterned acquired limitations prevent us as adults from truly selective remembrance. We can choose letting go of the pain, suffering and loss, all the sorrow and the anger, rather focusing our efforts on enjoying every moment as it unfolds...

Life Happening Now
Yesterdays and Tomorrows
Don't Exist At All

We can find beauty everywhere, why not celebrate it? This world can seem so horrible and cruel from a materialistic point of view, yet there is joy, there is hope, there is potential and creativity, as long as there is breath, there is will, there is love...
Against all odds, LIFE PREVAILS!

©2022 Lucem Tenebris

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1 column