BlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Friendship

Thanks to @martinlazizi for last week's prompt Behind The Storm. If you didn't get a chance to write a piece for this prompt, feel free to have a go.

Now onto this week's business...

This week's prompt is: Friendship

Friends... they can be a source of happiness and strength, and they can also be a source of conflict and sadness.

Depending upon the circumstance, having a good friend is worth more than all the gold in the world, especially during the bad times in your life. A true friend has your back no matter what, and they care about your well being. 😌

There are also friends that can flip on you, leaving you with a blade in your back when you least expect it. You may have thought that they had your best interests in mind, but it turned out that they only were thinking of themselves. 😳

During the last crisis in your life, did your friend(s) leave your hanging? Or did they have your six?

If you are up for it, give us the details about what you think of your friends, and what would do to maintain your friendships. Or if the situation called for it, what you would do to exit a relationship with a person that you thought was a friend. Was it time to let them go? 😩

Let your keyboard or quill, pen or pencil.. crayon.. or whatever you like to express yourself with, do the talking. Put down some killer lines of poetry, and share your awesome works with the community and the world.

That's about all for this week. Looking forward to catching up this week, and reading some cool writing. 😀

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Post by: @inthenow

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