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I've got them, hewn beautifully
In sizes and shapes and styles
I've got them in blues and yellows and greens,
In reds and purples and pinks
All beautifully decorated on my arms

I've got them in me, fully equipped,
Skilled, certified and functional
I've got them, popping in me like melanin,
Running in my veins like andrelanin,
Readily ready to take over,

It's always a reason or the other, an excuse or a fear,
If it isn't my environment, then it's my friends,
If it isn't my friends, then it's my fears
Always have I got excuses not to use my wings,
My beautiful, colourful and effective wing

Of what use is a wing without the ability to fly?
Of what use is me without the ability to be myself?
Of what use is my skills without the ability to be functional?
Of what use am I if all I've got are excuses?
Certainly, it's time to arise

It's time to use my abilities to my best and use the best of my abilities
It's time to stand, flap my wings and fly up high high
It's time to soar with my wings and dive into my starting point - the sky
It's time for me to reflect how beautiful and skillful I can be
Because without these, "Of what use is a wing without the ability to fly?"


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