God, Help Me.

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I'm so tired and stressed,
physically and mentally, I appear weak,
by my own might, I can not survive a week,
I call on to help, my plea
isn't to man, but to You alone,
my heart screams, "God help me!"

My head hurts, my body aches,
my eyes dim, my throat chokes,
I've got a lot on my neck,
I feel burdened already,
I'm calling to You for help,
my heart screams, "God help me!"

Not lame, but my legs are weak,
not blind but barely can I see,
not deaf but I can't even hear well,
my heart has been focused to
hear the sound of help alone,
and that's why I cry, "God help me!"

I glory not in my instincts,
nor take pride in my abilities,
I solely rely on what You alone can do,
I have come to the end of self,
I look up to you to hearken to me,
as I cry, "God help me!"


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