Do not talk to me anymore


She did not know why the whys unfolded, the answers were dark, information did not arrive on time. Everything bifurcates and stops, and I don't want to know it all. It tires me, it exhausts me; better to rest the mind. A day from the future arrived, myself, and exhausted me with recommendations and information. I don't want to be overwhelmed.

I prefer to learn alone, nothing can anticipate everything. Everything follows a current, and there are days when I do want to learn, but they are very few. Let me rest, the overflowing information bores me. Leave the whys unfinished.

I don't want to learn more, just to know and know and know. I just want to have fun and learn for what, if in the end, everything dies, knowing or not knowing. The blessing of ignorance, a remedy for the exhausted soul.

That's it, nothing more than knowing what I learned. With that, I will go through life, and no one will convince me otherwise, because the whys no longer interest me. To live like this, with nothing more than living.

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