Poetry - True Love - Essence

Here is a poem I wrote while away, greeting a loved one who went away (for now).

Poetry is a fine lady, sometimes bitter yet others even sweeter,
I am not able to tell how much I desire, that temptation is making my heart be in pyre, what is the spell that holds me closer, what is the thread that keeps me in place,
Poetry is the hand that brings forth the joy and sorrow I held inside,
I see the mountain top with a breeze so gentle,
Feeling the freedom of a bird, feeling the freedom of a tree atop,

There is but one true satisfaction, there is but a true blessing, see our loved ones see them happy,
see them freely dancing even when I am away,
now I may know what Love is yet what is telling me that is not still selfish?
I have seen you dance, I have seen you smile,
That was enough to leave me at peace,
Love is one feeling that was chased, yet chasing it I did not and found its grace.

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✍️Author(s): DeepSpiral (aka: TwinDenis, TheDenis, Dennis K.)
📷Credited Image Sources:
Image by Anastasia Vityukova.
▶️You can find me here: OdySee | YouTube

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