If I write you a letter,
A letter I'd write without ink,
What address would I write?
Where could I hope to find you?

If I write it with tears,
Will you understand the words I wrote?
If I write it with blood,
Will you believe the blood is only mine?
I think you won't.

So I'd write it on leaves whirling down in winter,
I'd write it on leaves blooming tears of an early autumn.
I'd write it on rivers of hope flowing away and away in currents of misery.
But I do not know if they'll ever reach you.
I just hope if they do, then they must remind you of me.

Can you find me speaking through winds, and laughing through moving clouds?
If you do, please do me a favour, forget we ever met.
Forget there were words between us.
Forget the moon watched us lay beneath it's shade for eternal nights.
Forget we had dreams,
Forget I was there to be with you forever.

Forever is a word too beautiful to ever come true.


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