Because of you, the sun paints my mornings gold,
A warmth that flow through winter's icy hold.
A melody awakes in birdsong's gentle trill,
And every dewdrop whispers, "Love is here, fulfill."

Because of you, the moon twirls stories in the night,
A world where our dreams in silver light ignite.
The stars, they wink and whisper secrets sweet,
Of promises unspoken, futures we will complete.

Because of you, my laughter finds its wings,
A soaring symphony, on joyful strings.
My tears, once burdens, find a gentle tide,
In your embrace, where sorrows gently hide.

Because of you, my heart beats in a bolder rhyme,
A drumbeat echoing through the hands of time.
My soul, a garden, blooms with vibrant hue,
Nourished by your love, forever born anew.

Because of you, I see the world with open eyes,
A world of wonder, where beauty brightly lies.
The smallest spark ignites a vibrant flame,
A love like ours, forever engraved in my name.

So let me whisper, let my words take flight,
Because of you, my world is bathed in light.
Many thanks, my love, forever I will declare,
For every breath I take, I breathe you in the air.

And when the years have comoleted their silver thread,
And life's last embers softly glow and spread,
One truth will hold, a constant, clear and true,
My world is better because of you.


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