I Wish To Embrace Solace! [Poems of Delirium]

I Wish To Embrace Solace!

Wandering aimlessly
amidst fog's embrace,
I explore the twisting alleys
and of the delirium maze!
Where shadows dance with
the elusive and unfazed realm.
And echoes linger in a haunting spree!


Each step I take,
I feel a hesitant ballet;
amidst the haze,
where truth collides with dreams.
Illusions sway my enchantment
and a convoluted dance of disarray!

As a whisper of confusion
through my nibble cheek,
I grasp for clarity, elusive, unseen,
Like a mirage, it teases, keen,
Yet remains a horizon I cannot seek!

Uncanny echoes through
the gloomy mist's embrace;
A labyrinthine realm enrages
and memory that time dissolves.
I witness reality and fantasy evolve,
Leaving me lost in bewildering mist!

Is this a surreal expanse!
And my mind is entwined;
Seeking a subtle coherence
in this dense fog's swirl!
A quest for clarity amidst this whirl,
Lost in delirium's cryptic design.

The outside world is oblivious
to the cruel strife within-
Where smiles mask the storms,
the skylark tumult untold!
I prefer tumultuous journeys,
in the silent turmoil of a mind's chagrin.

A tempest rages within,
fighting with a silent war;
amidst my oblivion!
I yearn for freedom
with a desperate plea,
As delirium chains tighten,
I strive to break free;
to soar and explore the unknown.

Struggle persists with relentless chase,
to break free from confines;
I search for the utmost peace
amidst the chaotic reign.
From invisible chains;
I wish to embrace solace's!


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