RESOLUTION // Weekly Prompt.

In the stillness of night,
As the world sleeps and the stars shine bright,
I close my eyes and reflect,
On the promises I made to myself, last New Year's Eve's event.

A resolution, a goal so fine,
A target to aim, a beacon divine.
A path to pursue, a journey so bright,
A dream to achieve, a sight so tight.

I vowed to be kinder, more patient, and true,
To love myself and others, too,
To chase my dreams with all my might,
And never let fear hold me back from the light.

With every step, a move so bold,
A path to tread, a story so old.
A journey through trials and strife,
A test of will, a test of life.

But as days passed by, I faltered and fell,
My resolve weakened, my spirit dulled,
I struggled to stand tall and strong,
And my heart felt heavy and wrong.

But tonight, as I gaze up at the sky,
I see a glimmer of hope in my eyes,
I hear a whisper that speaks to my soul,
And I know that I can still make my goal.

The rewards, oh so sweet,
A victory so pure, a treat so neat.
A sense of pride, a sense of worth,
A feeling that's hard to birth.

For resolutions are not just fleeting thoughts,
But a journey that we must all embark on and wrought,
A path that we must walk day by day,
With faith in our hearts and hope in our way.

So I take a deep breath and vow anew,
To be kinder, more patient, and true,
To love myself and others too,
And chase my dreams with all my might and hue.

So let us strive, let us aim,
For the resolution, the goal so supreme.
For, in the end, we'll find our peace,
And our hearts will sing with release.




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