Blockchain Poets Weekly Prompt | Depression | Original Poem [PT/ENG]

Greetings fellow poets 🙌

Hello everyone 😊! Today I decided to join the weekly prompt of the Blockchain Poets community and since the topic of the week is depression, I'll share an original poem that I made when I was going through the hardest time of my own depression.

I've been getting a lot of encouragement from friends here on the blockchain, especially from my dearest @samsmith1971, to get my words out to the world. Which has surprised me once again, seeing how it was received when I shared my first poem last week 🙏.

While I keep exploring this recent passion discovery, I'll share today a poem made in April this year, written while I was sitting on the beach, crying and listening to waves burst and wash away my sorrows.

I hope you enjoy it, dear reader 🤗!

Depressão | Depression

Picture is my own

The sun comes and peeps
In a divine entanglement.
Will this be the time
For the total reclaim?

I'm not sure if I should
Let myself go in the clarity.
I don't know how to describe it
For not even I have certainty.

Maybe it's short-lived sunshine
Or maybe it's just fear
Of never breaking out of the dictatorship
That has been imposed on me by the midst.

I claim as mine this tyranny
That leads me to my ending,
Until perhaps a day
When there will be nothing left of me.

And thus once again
I finish my verse with lightness,
With the hope that perhaps
I'll recover my liveliness.

Translated with free version of DeepL

O sol vem e espreita
Num enlaçar divinal.
Será desta feita
A reinvidicação total?

Não sei bem se deva
Deixar-me ir na clareza.
Não sei como descreva
Pois nem eu tenho a certeza.

Talvez seja sol de pouca dura
Ou talvez seja apenas receio...
De nunca mais sair da ditadura
Que me foi imposta pelo meio.

Reclamo como minha esta tirania
Que me leva a um fim,
Até quiçá um dia
Em que não sobre nada de mim.

E assim mais uma vez
Termino o meu verso com uma levez,
Com a esperança de que talvez
Venha a recuperar a minha vividez.

Final notes 💭

This time, I had a harder time with the translation to English but I hope you enjoyed it either way 😊.

Thank you so much for your time 🙏

Blockchain Poets Banner .png Canva was used for the design and the image is my own. You can see it here

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