Crime in wanting more:The wind of erratic heart


Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.

Sylvia Plath

It doesn't matter how much I get,
I am left in the position of wanting more than I have left,
I have tried desperately to quench the fire of my wants,
But its flames just rage on like I added more fuel to the burns.

My heart aches every time I think of my wants,
My gluttony stomach roars with an ear-piercing voice,
Pleading in between to clutch more on the wants,
But near they seem but far away they are,
Leaving the heart with no choice than craving more of its wants.

The wind once whispered to me,
If you need me badly then you should chase me,
I looked at how it moved and chased after it,
But the more I ran, the more I wanted more of it,
Panting and holding my erratic heart,
The wind swayed around me and moved, swirling Its fingers up my face down my jaw,
Teasing me into submission which I shamelessly did without remorse.

Now I have followed the wind for thousands of years,
And still, I haven't caught up with it,
I tried changing the way it moved but then I realized I was the one who changed for it,
And the more I am with it, the more I want more of it,
This made me realize the wind has been using me,
It knows I want it so badly so it gave me little of it knowing I will succumb to wanting more of it,
Knowing this breaks my heart because I can't leave it,
Now this made me question the whole universe,
Is it a crime to want more of something?

Analyzing some parts of the poem
We live in a world where satisfaction toward some things is never in our dictionary.

This leaves us on the path of wanting more of these things desperately.

While some of us have taken the time in observing what we are going for, others just jump right in.

The first stanza states


How you desperately want to leave but how strong your wants have clutched you in their embrace never to let go.

Moving on to the second stanza

Let's view this in a short story-like form

You met with a guy or girl who hurt you(that's why your heart aches whenever you think of them)
But still, your heart wants them even when your blistered body screams in tiredness you still clutch on them.
While they seem near to you, far away is their heart towards you leaving you with no choice, you suppose, to make them notice your presence in their lives.

Up to the third stanza
They know you need them badly then they give you something little to hold onto knowing fully you already have a taste of its sweetness and that you'd come needing more of them.
While you go after them, you burn the little given which leaves you no choice than wanting more.
In your tired state, they come and tease you until you finally submit to them.

Down to the fourth stanza

Let's view the first to second stanza as the time they were dating you and the third as the time you finally said "Yes I do".

Now you are married to him or her and still, you haven't gotten to know them fully.
Many times you try to make them reason with you but then you realize you already changed your rules for them.

Let's take for example:
You are the type that didn't take manipulators, woman beaters, or cheaters lightly.

You make them understand you are the boss or you leave at their very presence but now, you are with the one who has turned you into his punching bag leaving you black and blue all day. Nonetheless, you want them more.

Then you came to realize after the beating one day, that they have been using you all this time. They knew you can't leave as they have showered you with so much love that thinking of leaving breaks your heart.
And now you question the whole universe in your weary state.

Is there a crime in wanting more of something?

And I'll leave this question to the universe to have it answered the way it pleases.

Still yours truly

Thanks for reading.

Both pictures were gotten from #Pexel by #karolina-grabowska and #pixabay

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away

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