
Lust doesn't know sister or brother;
It doesn't know mother or father;
Lust is no respecter of persons.

Lust doesn't know Pastor or church member,
It doesn't know church leaders or congregants.

Lust is not love therefore it seeks its own pleasure and satisfaction.
It doesn't care what the end results will be
As long as its gratification is satiated.

Lust doesn't know what unconditional love is , it doesn't understand chastity and purity. Lust thrives on physical qualities and breeds an atmosphere of fetishism.

Lust is carnality and sensuality; it is masturbation and the use of sex toys of sorts to stimulate the body to inhumane sexual submission.
It is the many priceless hours spent viewing pornography and fantasising about ladies you may never meet.

It is the sublime expression of "love"
between same sex partners; the drive that renders gods dogs and masters slaves.

Lust is the destroyer of kings; the force that tears down fortresses and strongholds.
Lust is death personified; it is the bait that draws the victim into its net and quickly traps it into eternal destruction.

Lust, because it's death exists only in this fading world; its eternal abode is in the Lake of Fire.
Lust is a tyrant; it doesn't care about you so why entertain it??

Can a man allow coals of fire into his bosom and not be burnt??? (Selah).

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