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When the sun sets at dawn,
And winter comes in summer,
When the moon shine darkness,
And the eyes runs from getting sights,
Nothing holds any meaning,
When hope divorces life!

The land holds a lot of promise,
Making us sell our hope for faith,
Only to harvest thorns,
Where the sower buried barley.
Fear 's lost its rulership,
For the lost of hope slays faith,
And barren faith executes hope,
To make the expressed soul depressed.

First, the soul was soaring high,
And the wings flap, flapping,
To the winds of exaltation,
But what a scene of chaos,
When the soul is dashed to the frowning earth,
As defeat smiles in mock splendour,
At is crashed into a thousand pieces!

Beauty as ugliness,
When the eye's lid gets heavier than the head,
But no longer does it reckon with sleep,
Nor does rest get invited to the feast,
But the soothing balm has been sent on exile,
And courage not moulded for valour!

The heart beats no melody but a dirge,
As the mourners bear the brier of hope,
And faith is but a dead legend,
For the heart is melting fast like wax,
Beneath the injustice of livings,
For life is now a sea of quick sand,
That swallows the soul whole,
And locks it lost deep down the abyss,
To be lost to the touch of light.

No longer is joy a saviour,
For it has been conquered in the battle of life,
And its followers enslaved,
Leaving the soul desolated,
As its forests brings forth a desert.
How barren as the struggles been,
For all day the chin keeps hugging the palms,
And sighing is the only music from heart,
Here you know nothing holds any promise,
To a soul surrendered to depression!

One body swimming in a sea of thousands,
A single soul rolling in the tide of millions,
Yet so alone it can touch the loneliness,
And darkness so thick it brushes against the body,
A soul beneath light but flooded in darkness,
Wrapped in oxygen but suffocating in secrecy,
For it has lost all will to fight,
And drops it shield to depression!

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