Coward - f#ck this world

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The fan looks so sweet,
to end this,
to end this sufferings.

I wanna be with you,
my one and only,
but you're too busy,
cant be my refuge.

Finished my bottles,
smokes are gone too,
no more pills,
but this emptiness,
nothing fulfills it.

I wanna hang,
wanna jump,
wanna drown,
wanna love again.
But you are too busy,
with your problems,
no place for me.

I wanna dump all these feelings
on another,
but they are not responsible,
For my problems.

Even if I cry
an ocean
does it matter?
it is not,
never enough.
because I am
a liar,
a cheater ,
I don't
not any anymore,

Crying out loud
for your help,
for your presence,
but you wont
you wont forgive
I am a demon
I know
I can be better
but you wont,
you wont let me.
Cause your ego
matter more
more then me.
I am not
not your king

I cant take it anymore,
Wanna be me
like I was before,
before your love
changed me.

I hate this world,
but I want to be
within it,
with you,
only you,
you are too busy
with your sorrow,
with your life,
with your headaches.

You were my bestfriend
and my lover.
but not anymore.
And I cant
love anyone,

The fan looks so sweet
Just need a rope
To escape
This hellhole.

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