Matchstick Love - A Poem.

On a summer day so hot and bright,
In a park where children played in delight,
There was a boy with matchsticks in his hand,
Flicking them with ease, a master of his land.

The other children watched in awe,
Afraid of being burned, they dared not draw,
But one girl caught his eye,
And he stopped playing, with a sigh.

She was a beauty, with hair that shone,
Her eyes sparkled like diamonds, all on their own,
She asked him what he was doing there,
And he showed her his matchstick flair.

He taught her how to flick them right,
And she was a quick learner, a sight,
They talked and laughed, and time flew by,
The boy felt a stirring, a flutter in his eye.

As the sun began to set,
The girl realized they hadn't even met,
"Jake," he said, with a smile,
And she introduced herself, in style.

They exchanged numbers and went their way,
But they knew they'd see each other another day,
Over the weeks, they spent all their time,
Biking and exploring, a love in its prime.

Jake showed Emily how to play with sticks,
She mastered every trick, without getting any nicks,
And as the summer drew to a close,
Their love had bloomed, a beautiful rose.

He proposed to her, on bended knee,
Holding out a matchstick, for her to see,
She laughed and said yes, with joy in her heart,
They knew they'd never be apart.

Years later, they still tell the tale,
Of how they met, in a park so frail,
It was just matchsticks, in the middle of the day,
But it led to a love, that forever will stay.

They knew they were meant to be,
In each other's arms, forever free,
And every time they play with matchsticks still,
They think of that day, with a thrill.

For love can bloom in the most unexpected way,
And it can last, come what may,
So if you're playing with matchsticks in the park,
Remember, love can ignite, even in the dark.

Matches In Love - Dont burn youresslf.png

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