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📷#MonthlyAuthorChallenge #09.12 Bubble milk coffee | 泡泡奶咖啡😎(by @ace108)

I drank this bubble milk coffee two nights ago. My wife bought this because they have been advertising it furiously on TV recently. It was a sweet but not very sweet but not much coffee taste. At least, it didn’t keep me awake after drinking it at night. The “bubble” was also not as chewy as the ones we get from the bubble tea store. So, I think she won’t spend the 2 bucks on this again. 😎

两晚前我喝了这种我我奶咖啡。太太买的是因为他们最近一直在电视打广告。是有点甜,但不是很甜,但咖啡味不重。 至少,喝了后晚上还睡的着。 “泡泡”也不像我们从泡泡茶店买的那样Q。 所以,我想她不会再花2块多买这了。😎

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particular the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.

🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。
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👀 📷 👆 😎 👀 📷 👆

📷#MarketFriday Market Night and Day from pizza to gold digger | 夜市到日夜,比萨到淘金😎(by @ace108)
📷#TGIF #MarketFriday ordering lunch and dinner before breakfast | 休息星期五-早餐前就订购午餐和晚餐😎(by @ace108)
📷#MonthlyAuthorChallenge #09.10 Special half colour | 特色😎(by @ace108)
📷#WednesdayWalk Finding Joy after coffee | 咖啡后寻开心☕😎(by @ace108)
📷#TreeTuesday Coffee by the trees | 树边喝咖啡😎 ☕😎(by @ace108)
📷#MonthlyAuthorChallenge #09.08 Before light up the Apple | 亮起苹果之前😎(by @ace108)
📷#MonthlyAuthorChallenge #09.07 Sunday Lunch | 星期天午餐😎(by @ace108)
📷#BeautifulSunday Getting 1 year free membership to National Gallery | 美丽星期天-领取1年免费会员在国家美术馆😎(by @ace108)
📷#MonthlyAuthorChallenge #09.06 Mid-Autumn is coming | 中秋快到🌕 😎(by @ace108)
📷#MonthlyAuthorChallenge #09.05 Good morning moon | 早安月亮🌕 😎(by @ace108)
📷#MarketFriday Looking for coffee break in HabourFront | 在港湾寻觅咖啡店☕😎(by @ace108)

Please see my other posts: @ace108

请看我其他帖: @ace108