A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: A puppy, an unconditional friend/Un perrito, un amigo incondicional [ENG/ESP]

I have always wanted to have a pet, I like them a lot and I think they are super cute, taking care of them is a responsibility, but well you have to learn to do it, I told my parents, normal dad accepted because he has always wanted one, mom well the first thing she told me was that I would bathe him and take care of him, well obviously I accepted, so we went to the store to look for a Golden retriever, I have always been attracted to this breed, they are so cute and fluffy, I really love them.

Image Property of @freewritehouse

When I arrived at the store there were two, one white and one yellow, both seemed beautiful, but when I approached to see which one to choose, the yellow one bit me, I felt that he wanted me to choose him, and well so it was, he seemed cute and playful, so we took him home, he seemed to be very sweet and quiet, but after a few days of being with us he took his true self, he was a tornado, he jumped everywhere, bit the shoes, passed from one side to another, he really did not stop.

Until one day my parents told me to buy him a toy, maybe with it he would stay still, and well apparently it was the best solution, when I put it on him he saw everything strange, maybe because it had many colors, although according to studies they actually see in black and white, so it would be because of the shape it had and the sound it emitted when pressed, I did not know very well, but he was looking at it very thoughtful.

I liked to see how he was watching, it was the few moments when my Bethoven stayed still, yes I called him Bethoven hehe, because he was restless, deaf when called, but noble, he was always there when I needed him, he was super playful and disastrous, but when he was still like that, he looked like a little angel, he could do nothing wrong, he was the best friend I could have, when I was sad he would stand next to me and bring me his toy. He was an unconditional friend, always in my memories.

Dedicated to my little dog Bethoven.

Thank you very much for reading it. I hope you like it. I invite @yaslenysofia to participate in this Contest
If you have any comments I will be glad to answer and if you want to know more about me I leave you my:

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Translated Using Deepl


Siempre he querido tener una mascota, me gustan mucho y me parecen súper lindos, cuidarlos es una responsabilidad, pero bueno hay que aprender a ello, les dije a mis padres, papá normal aceptó porque siempre ha querido uno, mamá bueno lo primero que me dijo fue que lo bañaría y cuidaría yo, bueno obvio acepte, así que fuimos a la tienda a buscar un Golden retriever, siempre me llamaron la atención esta raza, son tan lindos y peluditos, de verdad me encantan.

Imagen Propiedad de @freewritehouse

Al llegar a la tienda había dos, uno blanquito y uno amarillito, ambos me parecían hermosos, pero cuando me acerque para ver a cual escoger el amarillito me mordió, sentí que quería que lo escogiera, y bueno así fue, me pareció lindo, y juguetón, así que lo llevamos a casa, en definitiva parecía ser muy dulce y quieto, pero a los días de ya estar con nosotros saco su verdadero ser, era un tornado, brincaba a todos lados, mordía los zapatos, pasaba de un lado a otro, no paraba de verdad.

Hasta que un día mis padres me dijeron para comprarle un juguete, quizás con ello se quedaría quieto, y bueno aparentemente era la mejor solución, cuando se lo puse lo veía todo extraño, quizás porque tenía muchos colores, aunque según estudios en realidad ellos ven en blanco y negro, así que sería por la forma que tenía y el sonido que emitía al apretarlo, no sabía muy bien, pero se quedaba viéndolo muy pensativo.

Me gustaba ver cómo se quedaba mirando, era los pocos momentos en que mi Bethoven se quedaba quieto, si lo llame Bethoven jeje, por lo inquieto, sordo para cuando lo llaman, pero noble, siempre estaba ahí cuando lo necesitaba, era súper juguetón y desastroso, pero cuando quedaba así de quieto, se veía como todo un angelito, que no podía hacer nada malo, era el mejor amigo que podía tener, cuando estaba triste se ponía a mi lado y me traía su juguete. Era un amigo incondicional, siempre en mis recuerdos.

Dedicado a mi perrito Bethoven.

Muchas gracias por leerlo. Espero sea de su agrado. Invito a @yaslenysofia a participar en este Concurso
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