Cool Beans Looks For Joy - prompt: keeping the good spirits up

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"Beans, the secret to a long life is keeping the good spirits up! And on that note, it's Saturday, so you are going to have your first chance to explore around here. Have fun!"

Old Jim laughed like a boy as the young mule gently grabbed the rim of his straw hat. "I'll make one for you one day!" he said, snatching it back.

Beans went outside into the bright sunshine, and rolled in a patch of soft green grass. Getting up, he shook off the dirt, then galloped off towards the lush pastureland.

"Guess I'll get his stall cleaned."


"What is it, Lizzy? One of your babies go missing again?"

Jim wasn't too concerned, the prodigal was usually found within minutes. However when he had finished the morning chores and Lizzy was still in a panic, he decided to look into the matter.

"I see Joy is missing." he said grimly after checking the basket where the kittens slept. He began a thorough search of the old barn, then the area around the house and garden. She was nowhere to be found!

After Beans had his fill of grass and sunshine, he became curious. He went back to the yard, and inspected the house windows, chicken coop, and a million other things. Most interesting was Jim's strange behavior. He was looking in every nook and cranny. Beans decided to go looking too, for anything and everything.

"What have you got there?" asked Jim when Beans brought him an empty canvas bag. He set it aside and kept on searching.

Bored, he went out to the pasture bordering the woods. He heard a crying sound high above, and saw a hawk flying around a tree. It dove straight at the same tree over and over.

Going over to investigate, he realized that one of the small animals from the barn was in the very top of the tree, wedged amongst some thick branches.

The branches were the only thing protecting the young animal from the hawk. Beans didn't know what to think. He stood there many minutes watching the drama. By this time the two farm dogs, Bobby and Rex, had joined the search party.

Bobby, having learned that Beans was usually right in the middle of the action, went out and found him. Sure enough, the kitten was right there!

He barked loudly, and Jim came out to investigate. "The hawk must have caught her, but she was too heavy. I need a ladder! Good job, Bobby and Beans! You probably saved Joy's life!"

Putting the kitten back in the basket, Jim smiled at the miracle of her survival.

This is a 100% power up post!

Cover image made in Canva using their gallery

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