Living Longer Beats Dying Young

img_0.09153524237880221.jpg My first Facebook upload - I was in my late 30s

I'm almost there. In a few short months I will officially greet my sixth decade. Six decades! I didn't think I'd live to see my eighteenth birthday. Don't ask me why because I have no clue where that came from, but I passed that milestone long ago.

I've been fortunate to see all of these years roll by with no horrible diseases to take my life until now. The car accident slowed me down; significantly, but it didn't take me out. A head injury that left lifelong migraine for old times sake was not what I wished for, but it beats the alternative.

I seek to stay physically active, but I can't deny the fact; I'm no spring chicken. If you look critically at yourself year by year you will begin to make concessions regarding your slowly changing physical mobility, metabolism and appearance. I let my hair go naturally grey in my late forties.

Since I've lived this long, I'm going to offer free advice:

  • put people over things
  • don't bear a grudge
  • work hard and give freely
  • seek wisdom
  • Fear God = the beginning of wisdom
  • love one another

Developing a relationship with my cockatiel, Sam.

This is my five minute freewrite using prompt spring chicken
hosted by @mariannewest.

My Twitter handle is: @wandrnrose7

My gab Handle: @wandrnrose7

Please add me if you are also on these sites! ❤


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