A Change in Circumstances

For the first two decades of my post high school life, I didn't have to bring in the bacon. I was a stay-at-home mom raising three children and homeschooling for the last four years of my marriage.

When the relationship finally came completely unglued I found myself without support and homeless. I struggled to get myself on my feet and the ability able to provide the bread and butter needed for the boys and myself.

I graduated high school with honors, but since I married as an unwed mother, I went right into the stay-at-home mom scene. My husband didn't want me to work and wouldn't allow me to enroll in college. At thirty-eight years old I didn't know what I could do with zero work history. I was a Sunday School teacher and homeschooling mom. I underestimated my skills.

I started a job as a waitress, got a second job in retail, and a third job at a call center called West Corporation. I was making precious little money hourly, and I was working seven days a week, sometimes two jobs in one day.

I was forced to enroll my youngest son in public school. The older son was in his senior year of high school. He finished high school at home and took over many household duties. I don't know what I'd have done without his help.

Those years were extremely difficult and I learned so much the hard way having had no experience in careers or budgets. I often felt overwhelmed, but somehow, we made it.

I'm grateful for the lessons learned and for having, by God's grace, raised my sons and got my bachelor's degree in Speech Communications. It took eleven years to obtain it while working full-time time and attending classes half-time.

This is my five-minute freewrite
using prompt bread and butter by @felt.buzz. I challenge you to join the freewrite @daily.prompt challenge and add @freewritehouse for regular contests!

Photos from my college graduation, Suma Cum Laud in 2011.

Thank you for reading 📚.

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