2 Important Lessons We Can Learn From Plants!

Source: Pixabay

“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” — Carl Jung.

This quote by Carl Jung is as true as it can get and it literally got proved when the spinach seeds that I had sown last month grew into full grown plants a few days ago.


Last month, I had ordered some dietary supplements from Himalayan Organics and they had sent me a complementary pouch of spinach seeds along with my order.

On 13th of September, 2022, I cleared up some pots in the balcony and decided to sow the seeds.

I took two pots and in one pot, I dug up a shallow pit and in the other, I dug up a deeper one.


I sowed some spinach seeds in both of the pots and watered them.

The seeds in the pot with shallow pit started sprouting on day 2 and the one with the deeper pit took 6-7 days just to sprout.

In the initial few days, it seemed like the spinach in shallow pits were growing rapidly and grew bigger by the day while the ones in deeper pits seemed to take forever to grow.


It would seem that the shallow pit would have to be harvested first and then the deeper pit 2 or 3 weeks after that.

As the time went on though, the tides started to turn.


The plants in the shallow pit stopped growing after a certain point and became stagnant in their growth.

You can look at the plant size in the below two images.


This was on Day 40 after sowing the seeds.

Let's look at it from the top view:


As you can see, some plants have even started turning yellowish and decaying which indicates that they have finished growing to their maximum potential.

However, the seeds sown in the deeper pits kept growing bigger and have still been growing to this day.


Look at the sheer difference in the size of the leaves between the two pots. And mind you, the plants with the deeper pit is just around 34 days old. (Around 6 days younger to the above plants which were grown in the shallow pit.)


And they're still growing bigger!!

We can learn a great deal of life lessons from this day to day mundane process:

Early success is a scam, great things take time.

A person who becomes successful overnight (say a lottery winner) almost always goes bankrupt or to the state they were in before winning the lottery sooner or later. Its because they do not have the necessary skills that they need to keep or grow their wealth.

Plants don't grow rapidly in a day. They grow steadily and consistently over several days. A steady growth is a stable and sustainable growth.

Someone who has grown their wealth with consistent efforts will always grow to greater heights in the longer run. It's all due to their mindset, discipline and dedication.

Cashflow is the king. Always look for ways to generate cashflow.

The deeper the roots, the greater the fruits.

Sometimes it happens that some people run towards only the material success and end up accumulating a lot of money. To achieve that they end up ignoring giving time to their family and friends and to their physical, mental or spiritual health.

These people end up having all the money in the world but not the health, time or friends to enjoy it with.

Here, roots indicate the overall development of the individual as a human. Spiritual, mental and physical growth is not something that society measures when measuring success of an individual. That's the reason majority end up giving it the least priority in their life.

Before constructing a tall building, a strong foundation is needed to be built to ensure it remains tall and standing for a long time to come.

When you maintain a deep root, you will always enjoy the flow of life.

When we go through what we see as negative circumstances in life, these are only there to prepare us for the massive growth that's going to be entering our life.

To be able to handle it, we will need to learn certain life lessons which can only come to us when we pass through a challenging phase.

So yes, embrace the good, the bad and enjoy every experience that life throws at you to the fullest.

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