Preparation of War... animals


All Animals gathered around the round table and studied the war plan together. Young and old took part in it as instructed by the former leader of what felt like ages ago, the one who had told them to live underground.

All in this case isn't a huge variety of beasts but just what is left. Those who did not end up as food in the food chain. So the only option left was to join paws with those few natural enemies left to fight the one enemy they have in common...

The unknown enemy his name started with a G..
Is it Goat asked the little elephant but no one could answer all they knew was too much time had passed and they had to face the world before only one was left.

It's 3 said the zebra but the Giraffe who made a hole in the ceiling to let daylight in, said 7. It's always 7 no matter if it's about good or right but seven is the the group we are looking for.
Seven isn't too much the lion thought but as the king the 7 will always be mine. His stomach rumbled and it was the sign for the rest that it was time to leave.

No need to prepare roared the lion, come on let's move forward. Let's no longer wast time and face the daylight!

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