
When I think of an omnibus, I think of a book from my childhood: Peter and Petra. They were cousins and close. I don't remember if they lived near each other or if their adventures took place during the holidays.
Peter and Petra, it is clear that nobody in the family thought it was strange to give children the same name. In my family, too, a name is a common one and if a baby dies, the next child just gets the same name. There was no curse on this, not even if Jan died three times in a row. I would think: that child does not want that name. Perhaps my ancestors thought: we will call a child Jan until one becomes older. That is what happened, although not everyone grew to the same age. This great-grandmother of mine had quite a few twins. Whether these twins were close is unknown. What is known is that of each twin, one died around the age of 30 and the other around the age of 50. That would make me think as a parent and although I am not superstitious, I would wonder if there is a curse on my children. I do not believe that despite strict religiousness and diligent prayer, this thought did not exist in those years. Hard workers, those who live frugally and do not complain have never been rewarded. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, it is often said, but it is no more than a death knell for those who suffer and do not know what they have done to deserve this life with all its struggles and sorrows.

Peter and Petra. I don't remember much about their adventures, but I do remember that Peter's mother got red spots on her face and neck when she got excited. This was apparently something strange and not only weird but also 'funny' enough to describe all the time. It felt very uncomfortable for me, as a child, to read about this. Laughing about other people's flaws, skin, and rashes. A rash that others are gloating about. I have no idea if the author saw this as children's humour at the time, but I didn't find it funny then and I don't find it funny today either, and by now it's at least 45 years since I read that omnibus.


Some books rather stay closed. There's a reason why people don't finish books or leave them unfinished, closed on the (side) table/shelf. That story might be a better one than the one printed on paper long ago.

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