Attracting a Life Partner

Somany people are confuse when it come to choosing a life partner, it is very important you note that any mistake at this stage will/can affect you or your unborn children in future, The best way one will attract the kind of person he/she want to marry or attracting a soul mate is by being that kind of person first. Posses the attributes you will want your future partner to posses because Value attracts Value.

Lets take for instance, If you want to marry a good and understanding partner, you should be good and understanding too, if you want to marry a firebrand christian, start by being a firebrand christian.
It is unlikely for an irresponsible guy or lady to look for a responsible girl or guy to marry and also its unlikely for a lukewarm christian to be looking for a firebrand christian to marry.

In finding a soul mate or a life partner, there are various important things we need to take note of which are;

  • Potentials attract potentials,
  • A Godly fellow attracts a Godly fellow,
  • Value attracts value,
  • An ungodly fellow attracts an ungodly fellow.

For one to have a lasting marriage life, it is very important that you chose wisely. As a godly fellow, you won't find it easy marrying an ungodly fellow, because the both of you don't have a common goal and that is most likely to quench your spiritual fire.

It will become a huge mistake or an error when value attracts valueless or when the ungodly attracts the Godly, It won't even work. Even if it works, it may crash sooner or later, such union or relationships don't last long.

Have it in mind that you've solved half of the problem by being exactly or having the exact qualities of whomsoever you want to marry, so in attracting a life partner, treat yourself with respect, love, care and understanding, so that people with such similarities will approach you, now that's how to easily attract your type of partner when it comes to attracting a soul mate.

Thanks for taking your time to go through this.
I know and believe that this little piece of work will help a lot of people when it comes to attracting a Life Partner.

© VictorJuicy

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