“The Earth Shall Know Pain” – Chaos, the god of Wrath

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The Earth Shall Know Pain

Chaos, the god with eyes of green,
A force of nature, a sight unseen.
His physique unmatched, his power vast,
A being of destruction, whose fury last

He stands above the world with a wicked grin,
As he looks upon the land, and all that’s within.
His longing to cause calamity, a burning desire,
To unleash his wrath, and watch the world expire

His longing for chaos is insatiable,
As he revels in destruction, uncontainable.
He takes joy in watching the world burn,
And the Earth shall know pain, his only concern

His eyes light up, with an infernal glow,
As he watches the destruction, his power on show.
The people scream, the animal’s flee,
As Chaos engulfs the world, with his terrible glee

With a flick of his wrist, he summons the storm,
The winds howl, the sky darkens, and the rain pours.
The lightning strikes, the thunder roars,
As Chaos unleashes his power, with all his force

His power is beyond measure,
A force of nature, with no leisure.
His desire for chaos is unquenchable,
As he unleashes his wrath, so formidable

The Earth Shall Know Pain, he declares once more,
As he turns away and take to the shore.
The world left in ruins, in ashes, and dust,
As Chaos, the god of destruction fulfills his bloodlust

And so, the world trembles in fear and awe,
As Chaos, the god of wrath stands tall.
His reign of dread, will never cease.
As The Earth Shall Know Pain, for all eternity

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