Life Is No Fun If You Can't Laugh At Yourself

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Life is a game, a funny old show.
With twists and turns, and ups and downs we know.
But there’s one thing we all need to do,
To truly enjoy it, to make it worth going through

Laugh at yourself, oh dear reader mine,
For if you can’t, life’s no longer fine.
The ability to chuckle at your own mistakes,
Is what separate the strong from the fakes

Picture this: you’re walking down the street,
Feeling all cool, strutting to your own beat.
When suddenly, you trip over a crack,
And fall flact on your face with a mighty smack

It’s easy to feel embarrassed, to want to hide,
But instead, you should take it all in stride.
Stand up, dust off, and look around,
With a big ‘ol grin, and a silly sound

“Did you see that? I just did a flip!”
You shout to anyone, within earshot’s grip.
And soon enough, you’ll have them in stitches,
Laughing along with you, not judging your glitches

Life’s too short to take too seriously,
And laughter is the cure for all things dreary.
So the next time you stumble, just laugh it off,
And watch your problems become mere scoffs

In conclusion, dear reader, I implore,
To laugh at yourself, to let loose and explore.
For life is a grand adventure, and we’re all fools,
But those who laugh at themselves, truly rule

For all those who see the brevity of life, just keep the laughter always with you.

This poem is credited to a friend of mine "Sandra".

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