Don’t Dim Your Light - "A Picture is What A Thousand Words"

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This post is an entry to the A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words contest.

Don't Dim Your Light

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily. She was a brilliant student, an accomplished athlete, and she had a heart full of kindness.

However, she often felt like she needed to dim her light to fit in with others. She didn’t want to stand out too much, afraid of being seen as different or strange.

One day, Lily’s class was asked to do a presentation about their dreams and aspirations. Lily was excited to share her passion for science and her dream of becoming a scientist.

But as she looked around the room, she noticed that her classmates were all talking about becoming doctors, lawyers, or business executives. Suddenly, Lily felt self-conscious and decided to change her presentation at the last minute.

As she gave her presentation, she stumbled over her words, and her enthusiasm disappeared. Her classmates seemed uninterested, and Lily felt ashamed for not staying true to herself.

After class, her teacher pulled her aside and said, “Don’t dim your light, Lily. The world needs your brilliance and unique talents. Don’t be afraid to stand out and be different. That’s what makes you special.”

From that day on, Lily made a promise to herself to never dim her light again. She pursued her passion for science and eventually became a renowned scientist, making groundbreaking discoveries that changed the world.

So, dear reader, don’t dim your light. Embrace your uniqueness and let your brilliance shine. You never know what amazing things you can achieve when you stay true to yourself.

To wrap this story up, I’ll share a poem that is inspired by a friend of mine.

This is what she has to say:

Don’t dim your light, oh shining star,
For you are meant to glow afar,
And light the path for those behind,
Who may be lost and feeling blind

Your brilliance is a gift to share,
A beacon in the dark to bear,
A source of hope, a ray of light,
To guide us through the darkness night

So let your light shine bright and true,
And let it lead the way for you,
For you were born to make a mark,
And shine so brightly in the dark

Don’t let the doubts or fears creep in,
And dim the lights that burns within,
For you are stronger than you know,
And with your light, you’ll help us grow

So shine your light with all your might,
And let it filled the world with light,
For in your glow, we’ll find our way,
And never lose sight of the day

Thanks for reading!

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