a goblin's bat

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a goblin's bat

Korean goblins are mystical beings that often appear in Korean folklore and legends, similar to Western goblins and trolls, but with their own unique characteristics and personalities.
While they're often playful and love to scare people, they're also often depicted as benevolent beings who help the just and the good.

In summer vacation, Minho came to his grandmother's house in the countryside.
She welcomed her grandson, Min-ho. That evening, Min-ho had a delicious dinner with her and lied down on the flat wooden bench to see the shining stars.
There are so many stars, so many stars, it seems like they are falling.

“Grandma, tell me a story about the old days.”
“Yes, what story shall I tell you? I'll tell you about the ghost bat.”

Minho falls in love with his grandmother's old story.

There were two brothers who lived a long time ago.
My eldest brother didn't want to serve his parents because he was greedy and chased me to go out and live with his parents.
My kind-hearted younger brother sold a tree to serve his parents.

One day, he went deep into the mountains to gather wood. A hazelnut fell from a hazel tree.

The younger brother was hungry because he hadn't eaten anything.
He was hungry, but he didn't eat it.
“I must take this to my father.”
Then another hazelnut fell.
“I'll take this to my mother.”
And one hazelnut fell.
“I'll take this to my brother.”
He put the hazelnut in his pocket.

As I was walking down the mountain, it suddenly rained very hard.
He went into the old house to get out of the rain.
The good younger brother waited for the rain to stop, but then he started seeing goblin fires and a goblin family appeared.
The little brother thought he had to hide, so he climbed up on the beams of the house.

The goblins were swinging their bats and singing songs. After playing, they got hungry, so Papa goblin said.
“Let's eat something delicious.”
"Come out with delicious rice cake" he shouted as he banged their bats.
"Come out with delicious apples" he shouted as he banged their bats.
He banged the bat and shouted, and the rice cakes came out and the apples came out.

The younger brother was surprised and hungry, so he bit into one of the hazelnuts.

The sound of my bite frightened the goblins, who thought the house was going to collapse, and they panicked and ran away.
They were surprised and left their bat behind.

Younger brother climbed down from the beam and saw the goblin bat.
He said to himself, 'This goblin bat is a mysterious treasure that can make anything come out.'

He wanted to try to get the gold out.
He picked up the bat, banged it, and shouted.
"Come out with Gold"
a gold nugget came out, real gold.
The little brother became very rich.
When the greedy older brother heard the news, he went to see his brother and asked him how he got rich.
The good younger brother told him the details.

The greedy brother went into the mountains, picked hazelnuts, and found an old house.
He climbed up on the beams and waited for the goblins to appear.

A family of goblins appeared.

Just as they were playing, the greedy older brother bit into the hazelnut.

But the goblins weren't fooled twice.

They found the greedy older brother and beat him with the bat until morning, and he was very sad and regretful.

He regretted being greedy, not honoring his parents, and kicking his brother out.
He realized his mistake and went to his younger brother's house to ask for forgiveness, and he was filial to his parents, and they lived happily ever after.

When Grandma finished telling the story, Minho said.
“Grandma, that was really interesting.”
"Yes, Minho, don't be greedy and Brotherly love and get along well with each other. Okay?"

“Yes, Grandma, I love you.”

Minho heard the stories of the goblin bat and wished there really was a goblin bat.
“Goblin, please lead me to the riches because I will be a good person.” Minho prayed in his heart.

It was getting late at night, and I could hear frogs croaking in the rice paddies and crickets chirping in the forest.
I had just returned home from a vacation at my grandmother's house, which felt like a warm embrace.

Thank you for reading my post. 😀

3 September 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2484: lead me to the riches

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