The "Window" of One's Heart: A 5-Minute Freewrite


"They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but what about the window to one's heart?" Dr. Miller joked as he taught medical students about the pericardial window, often known as "surgical window" or "surgery window." A pericardial window is a minimally invasive operation that removes a small part of the pericardium.

Despite their dissatisfaction with the doctor's attempt at a joke, the students remained focused on the course. After all, the aforementioned heart treatment has the potential to save lives, and as future surgeons, they must understand it thoroughly.

"After the 'window' is 'opened,' a small tube can be inserted into the pericardium to remove excess fluid from the pericardial sac," the doctor stated. "Well, rain water can enter through the window after all so we need to remove them once they accumulate!" the doctor joked.

The students could only groan within as they heard another stupid joke. Dr. Miller is an excellent lecturer and surgeon, but he has no talent for making jokes. Unfortunately, despite his lack of talent, he seemed to like telling jokes.

Finally, the kids could only stomach the doctor's jest since they knew he was merely attempting to lighten the mood in the classroom.


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