One Snowy Day: A 5-Minute Freewrite


A blast of cold air hit Lawrence's face once he opened the door of his cabin. And looking outside, he quickly understood where the cold air came from—it seemed that it snowed quite heavily last night.

"Brrr! So Cold!" Lawrence groaned as he quickly closed the door, not wanting to endure the cold air's assault any longer.

Inside, Lawrence made himself a cup of coffee and looked outside the window. Seeing the thick snow, Lawrence knew that he needed to remove the snow from his driveway and roof.

"What a bummer," Lawrence complained after letting out a sigh.

As Lawrence was preparing to go outside to clean up the snow that had accumulated, he heard knocks on the door.

When he opened the door, he saw his neighbor, Felicia, wearing thick clothes.

"Good morning, Lawrence," Felicia greeted him with a smile. "Sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but I need to borrow a shovel from you; mine broke, you see," she explained.

Lawrence was mesmerized seeing Felicia's smile, as he has a thing for her, but quickly came back to his senses as he didn't want to appear rude in front of her.

"A shovel? Sure, I can lend you mine," Lawrence enthusiastically agreed. "But instead of just lending you the shovel, how about I help you clear the snow instead?"

Felicia was surprised by Lawrence's offer but felt like it was inappropriate. "No, no need. I can handle it," she said in refusal.

"I insist!" Lawrence argued. "I'm about to clear up the snow on my driveway anyway, so clearing up yours won't be much trouble."

After a bit more urging from Lawrence, Felicia finally agreed to his offer. And as compensation, Felicia invited Lawrence to join her for lunch, much to his delight.

"What a good day," Lawrence murmured to himself, completely ignoring the cold air blasting into his face.


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