5 Minute Freewrite - Long Deviation

Doing a challenge on 5 minute Freewrite, please see below for my story:


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Evelyn had always been a rule follower. She never strayed from the path that was set for her, always following the guidelines and expectations set by her parents and society. But as she grew older, she couldn't help but feel like something was missing.

One day, while walking home from work, she decided to take a different route. It was a long deviation from her usual route, but she felt a sense of freedom and excitement she hadn't felt in a long time. As she walked, she noticed new sights and sounds, and felt a sense of adventure she had been craving.

As she continued down the unfamiliar path, she stumbled upon a small bookstore. Evelyn had always loved books, but she had never been to this particular store before. She decided to go in and explore.

Inside, she discovered a whole new world of literature she had never been exposed to. She spent hours browsing the shelves, lost in the magic of new words and stories. She even struck up a conversation with the owner, who recommended a book that would change her life forever.

That long deviation from her usual routine opened up a whole new world for Evelyn. She realized that sometimes, breaking away from the expected path can lead to unexpected and wonderful discoveries. From that day on, she made it a point to take a long deviation every now and then, embracing the unknown and welcoming new experiences into her life.

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