Voice against monopoly

"Hey there, it has been a bright and sunny day!" said Cherry. "

"The article by Lizzy got a good rating while the rivals bit their nails." replied Qudhas adjusting the spectacles on his nose.

"Whatever... yeah, the topic Lizzy suggested was a breakthrough. Though there was a little confrontation but she presented it very well," he continued.


"And what about aesthetics ? In fact, the content that's developed with the references and acknowledged picturesque view of rivers and mountains and can bring smile to a sad face. I find it is better to end the monopoly of just writing a few lines with a few pictures bought from another site, " said Cherry.

"Yeah,......but if it earns you a little bucks. and there are envious people who spent a little penny buying the pictures to stick alongside their mediocre writing," Qudhas chuckled as he walked towards the window and looked outside at the vehicles.


Cherry banged the table when Selena entered the cabin. She had a tray in her hand and she had brought some refreshments- a pizza and some tea.

"All right! Now let's take a break and have some light gossip, " she said.

The birds flew to their abode and their chirping on the trees made a relaxing ambiance.

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