Digging Your Grave

We open at a cemetery late at night. Esmeralda von Krauss stands in a tailored silver gown with diamonds around the neckline as she smokes her Egyptian cigarette from a silver foot long cigarette holder. Hehehe and Hahaha are there. The ghastly little fat clown twins are digging a hole by shovel. Esmeralda flicks ashes onto the ground with a laugh.

Esmeralda von Krauss: Rebecca Brookes. I think that you know what’s going on, dahling. My twins are digging a place for you to be after your match with me at this Big Fight Fight Night.

She takes in a deep drag of her expensive imported vice and lets out a cloud of smoke.

Esmeralda von Krauss: I mean there’s nothing at stake really. No titles on the line. Just your little pride…and your life.

Hehehe and Hahaha stop digging for a moment and look up at Esmeralda. I mean, they would be looking up even if they weren’t three feet into a hole since they are like five foot nothing and she’s over six foot, but we digress.

Hehehe: You gonna-
Hahaha: Kill tha bitch?

Esmeralda seems to consider the twins for a moment before flicking ashes in their general direction.

Esmeralda von Krauss: Of course not, fools. I’m speaking in metaphors. My husband continues to tell me that I am not allowed to kill someone in the ring of these schwache Kämpfer unless it were to maybe look like an accident.

Hehehe: Maybe you can-
Hahaha: And make it look like an accident?

Esmeralda von Krauss: Hmm. You see what I have to put up with? I have idiots at my beck and call, dahling. My husband found them once upon a time at a circus. They took such abuse from the people and owners there that we just had to set them free. Now, they are abused, but no where near the level they once were and it just makes them the happiest of, how you say, campers.

Esmeralda looks down at the twins and they have stopped digging in order to listen in to her words. Her smile quickly turns into a sneer.

Esmeralda von Krauss: Get back to digging that hole, you kleine Schweine! Do not make me set the big bad wolf on you! This hole needs to be six feet deep and tall enough for Rebecca Brookes to be buried in.

Hehehe: I thought you were-
Hahaha: Not going to kill her?

Esmeralda von Krauss: I said I wasn’t going to try to kill her, dahlings. I didn’t say that her death wouldn’t happen organically to the match. Accidents happen every day.

Esmeralda has a look of such concern that you would think that she were really on Rebecca’s side in all of this, but then Esmeralda laughs and you know the truth. She’s a monster.

Esmeralda von Krauss: If she dies, she dies. It will certainly make the show more interesting to the fans if she were to perish in the middle of the ring. Maybe with a snapped neck, because it was simply too fragile to have such a move. It would be most unfortunate, but satisfying to see you go, dahling.

She walks over to where the twins are digging and looks down at the twins.

Esmeralda von Krauss: Maybe if you dig the hole and get it done soon, we can go and get you something to eat.

The twins look up at Esmeralda with wide eyes.

Hehehe: You can get us-
Hahaha: McDonalds? Hurray!

The twins double down on their effort in digging the grave for Rebecca Brookes. Esmeralda looks to the camera with a smirk, flicking her cigarette butt away.

Esmeralda von Krauss: There we have it. Your days are numbered now, dahling. I would say more on the subject, but I don’t want to become…baffling.

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