Introduction: My Pov.

The Come Up.
Growing up was everything i wanted. It was peaceful, mainly because i grew up within the four walls of a university community. My emotions were well catered to, maybe because I'm the last born. I was inducted into the home chore crew quite late so i enjoyed the early days. Enjoyed my sports (mainly football and basketball), enjoyed my art (poster colors, coloring books), enjoyed my reading (Nigerian literature and The Arabian Nights which was a collection of rich arabian folktales), video games (which i enjoyed very much). Considering i did all my schooling within the university community- from the University staff school to the University International secondary school to the actual university- you can say i was maybe protected from the outside world somewhat but then very early i realized my greatest skill as a person is common sense, i understood life and i have infinite understanding, always ready to learn.

The Warm Up.
The theatricality of life as a teenager in the university. The curios case of freedom and what to do with it, because it's all novel to you. You don't have to answer to anybody as to where you have been or having a curfew or being told what to do or sometimes having to make certain decisions yourself (which unbeknownst to you is a plethora). There's no time to settle down because life truly waits for no-one and whether or not you're ready for the next day, it will come at you. You experience different things emotionally, physically, mentally, maybe spiritually. Things no one or perhaps nothing could have prepared you for and you have no outlet. You just keep going without any periodic self introspection. You endure moments and like the say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The difference is, this time, you're what you are despite what you have been through. But what do we know? Attimes we grow up to be what we have always despised or endured.

The Bosman Transfer.
In football, at the end of a players contract with a football club, he can move to another football club without the old club receiving a fee. Life after University felt somewhat like this. You're required after university to serve your country for a year. It is called National Youth Service. Obviously, Nepotism plays a part for certain people getting posted to state of their choice and whatnot. But ideally, you get posted to a state and you're assigned a place of primary assignment where you'll report to for the duration of your service. For me, that was the exposure to the outside world. You realize no matter how much due diligence you do, there are some things you will only learn about when you get to your destination. I was posted to Cross River State. It's advertised here in the west as the peak tourism state and also you randomly hear about the high libido levels over there. But I was inducted into a state that was insecure. Cultism was very much present and active, petty robberies and whatnot. As a newcomer, it was advisable to be back in your accommodation by evening before it gets dark. Also, it being a civil service state meant there were no real career opportunities there for me as there were no industrial/production company presence. This made the risk of being exposed to the insecurities not worth it. Because one could get killed and for what? Serving your country that don't care for you or the little stipend you get paid as allowance? I redeployed back to my home state and started working. The reality of life and the beauty (read challenges) of becoming an adult at this stage was palpable and vivid.
Having a support system makes everything worth it. Family always comes through. The support is so pure, on some days, it's the reason you strive. Then the relationships we create as we go through life. We burn some bridges, we live and learn. I also have my bubble, mostly my life as a supporter of Liverpool Football Club. Everything with them, whether accomplishments on and off the field, means more. The Club Anthem explains a lot. Especially when you experience it on european nights at Anfield. I'll try to give an example below.

This was a crucial game at Anfield after losing 3-0 to Barcelona at Nou Camp in Spain.

Scenes after the game

Having a coach that embodies what we are about. He literally turned doubters to believers and now everyone is gonna believe us.
I'm also a DC fan and an ardent follower of the caped crusader, Batman.
As i begin my run on here, i hope to share a lot of my experiences and musings with you and i hope you enjoy them half as much as I intend to enjoy curating them. I have hope in my heart you will. Grazie. #YNWA

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