Faltering pen


Could content writing be easier? I ask myself more often than usual. Being a Hivian and not communicating with the family isn't just a foot stool for me. So what if I would like to create contents/writeups atleast once in two days. Yet, have had a million and one experiences but have nothing to write on? Should I just throw-in the towel (because sometimes I actually feel like it). However, I have come to realise that it isn't about how sophisticated the writeup is, but how best it is relayed. Want to know more on how I instinctively realized an easier way around this? Sit back and enjoy the witty piece in front of you. And what's new? It serves as a therapy in cases you got it wrong.

How to intuitively create a beautiful piece:

  1. It should come from within.
    Ofcourse, we have days when we just want to lift the trends from the outside world into what we create. However, many atimes we forget that people are not all interested in the 'mere' happenings but how you bring your spice into it. That's why you could see a news reporter reading the witty piece she was given to report, without necessarily including her thoughts and personal expressions to it. However, a tv hostess would rather chip in her feelings and expressions(such as oh, he did that? Or, wow, I never knew she could walk on those heels, and things like that), and so should you!

  2. Keep the focus.
    Yes, it's fine to go down the story lane to bring in the vibes to your write-up, but is an excess of it any good? Too many cooks they say spoil the broth. You need not to go all lengthy in paragraphs highlighting a single part when you can make it as brief and witty as possible, as this would save your readers from the mental burn out they would face by mere glancing at the writeup even before reading.


  1. Don't be afraid to address your readers like you know them in person.
    Just like red-tapism, over formality "weakens the soul". You don't have to go all formal while writing to your readers. Your readers are humans too(and not robots that uses codes). They most likely have ways they speak to their closest friends. Write with caution yet graciously from the inside out. Write like you know who your readers are, like they are part of you emphatically, and only then you would begin to feel the ease at what you do.

  2. Trust your intuitions.
    Most at times, its just an experience that you have had, that can proffer a solution to someone else and not some well rehearsed lines. Just look down within you, and write on an experience you would love to share. That alone is capable of showing your level of authenticity and creativity.
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    With love,

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