source; Darkify App

Everyone wants their heart desires to be granted so fast without delay, some of us lack that patient, which made us to venture into crazy deals and cost us a lot.

Madam Juliet was discharged after series of diagnosis and treatment, which she failed to respond to. The strange blindness and several colored hair on her eye browns amazed the doctors. After series of treatment and none to avail, she was discharged.

Her blindness was beyond ordinary, the doctor’s couldn’t give a good explanation to the cause.

Now in her room, Juliet laid on her bed, her eyes were swollen because she had cried a lot, few minutes earlier, some women had come to console her on what had be fallen her. Her mind trailed back to her daughter Margret, her only source of joy.

She had not come to see her since she got blind, Mama had even sent a message across her, but only Margret’s husband came to see her and told her that Margret is sick and would come to see her soon.

“What nature of illness is it?” she inquired

“It is just fever.” He said

Somehow, she wondered whether she was reaping what she had sown.

A cold wind forced its way into her room through the small opening in her window. The shattering noise of what she felt was her glass cup made her sit up abruptly on her bed. She heard the sound of whistling bird. Birds? Inside my house, where had they come from? She began to grope fruitlessly for her walking stick which suddenly fell as soon as she touched it.

She bent carefully and groped endlessly, still searching. Another shattering sound of her glassware made her stop abruptly. She froze immediately, she felt something cold has touched her, for a moment, her heart raced wildly on what it could be. Another touch again. Her heartbeat increased, fear was written all over her body.

“Who’s there?” she stammered, still squatting.

“Who’s there?” she asked again.

Her question was replied with a deafening laughter. Cold shivers ran down her spines.

“Please, who are you?” she asked again, fear boldly fixed in her voice.

She heard the laugher again, this time, louder and more terrifying. Juliet thought about shouting for help, but on a second thought, no, knowing there was no neighbor around. They were all workers and had all gone to their offices.

What if shouting for help does not bring anyone; it might make the intruder furious. She eased herself to sit down and wait for whatever would happen. After all, “what else was she living for ?” she thought.

“You cannot run away from your past!” The voice echoed loud, her eyes widened, as she was in shock. Who could have let the cat out of the bag? Who? She had secured all her dirty deals in a good safe lock. She sighed as she frantically searched for what to say.

“It’s high time she left you!” the voice echoed again. “She’s mine!”

Madam Juliet suddenly became confused. What does he mean? Something propelled her to find out.

“I…I.. do not understand what you mean,” she asked in a husky voice.

“Ha..Ha..Ha..Ha..!” He laughed, “who else do you think I’m talking about?” “your daughter of course.”

Juliet’s heart almost ceased to pump blood, her only child. But this wasn’t the agreement. Not now!

“Why..Why..Why?” she cried out, she gathered courage to ask again.

“Please, who are you?”

There was a little tensed silence, then the voice replied her.

“I am Jazer, king of the marine kingdom, and I’m here to have my precious child back to my kingdom,” as his voice re-echoed severally across the room.

“But the chief priest don’t tell me all these and this is not what we agreed on.” There was silence.

“Are you still there?” she sensed he was gone. “What will I do?” she thought, she began to wish her daughter would give her a child before the death she had been informed about. At least that would leave her with someone at her exit, she must not be left empty handed after all she had sacrifice. She forced her mind away from these troubling thoughts.

Another thought came to her mind again. Does she already know about all these? Does she?

After brooding over the issue for a while, she made a decision, she would travel to see her daughter and tell her everything. Everything! She regretted making a deal with the devil. Tears welled up in her eyes. They’ve deceived me and now they want to take away my only child. She sniffed continuously and started sobbing.

They had given her a cap that had cost her, her head. Of what use is the cap to her after all?

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