(2) love letters <3




"The act of accepting something/someone willingly or enthusiastically."

This generation is SO
judgmental before even
seeking the truth of people.

We look at people and jump to conclusions and assume something of someone by the way they look, the baggage they carry, their past and their choices, without knowing the journey they've been on and what's going on inside of their hearts..

We don't even try to find out who they are! We don't invest in their lives ,instead, we put them down to make ourselves feel better.

I think we need to learn how to accept every person no matter their choices, no matter where they are from, no matter the life they decide to live.

Because God didn't design us to be closed, and guarded.. He designed us to be welcoming and kind to all that come into our lives, whether that may be for a brief time or a lifetime.

We need to embrace them with love, care, empathy and encouragement.

You never know how long someone is going to be in your life. So choose to cherish them. They could be your spouse, your kids, your best friend, your grandparent, your neighbour or even a stranger.

Embrace them not because you feel you have to, but because when you do you'll remind them that they matter, that them being themselves is enough. That it's okay not to be like everyone else in the room, that they are beautifully unique just the way they are <3

  • hello, I’m Taylor I just write for fun and in my free time, I mostly do diary writing, if I’m being very honest my moms been begging me to join hive for a while so I thought I’d just try it out and post a few of my pieces! Thanks for all the welcome xx

Thx to @fionasfavorites & @lovestalking for the support x

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