I Have Knee Problems Sir!

John was sitting in his chamber looking at the list of new marketing executives that had joined in the last few weeks. He called them to gather in the conference room immediately.

John looked at them and said, “Guys, here is your first seminar presentation topic. Get it ready by tomorrow. You will present this topic at tomorrow’s gathering, all five of you, the same topic for each of you. Get going now. “

John then handed them a slip of paper to each. The topic was the benefits of positive thinking.

The next day, John was reading their presentation before they were to gather in the hall. He smiled because most papers looked so similar like they had done their work probably sitting together.

The same run of the mill, “You should know what positive thinking is and what role it plays in a person’s success.”

John thought this was nothing new and then he thought when he joined and smiled, “Same, nothing new”

He read the next paper, “A positive person remains calm and peaceful in their life.”

But despite knowing all this, because of circumstance and habit, we cannot get out of negativity and always remain upset. In fact, positive thinking comes with continuous practice and then makes life happy. If you are not aware of the benefits of positive thinking, let’s discuss them here. “

John thought they had some valid points to discuss.

The benefits of positive thinking help keep your blood pressure under control.

Positive thoughts are good for sleep and health.

The magic of positive thinking teaches a person to take care of himself.

Positive thinking is necessary to avoid stress.

Confidence comes from the power of positive thinking.

Positive thinking increases tolerance.

Positive thinking improves immunity.

Positive thinking improves relationships.

Positive thinking brings success to professional life.

One doesn’t get confused if he thinks positively.

Positive thinking brings success to a marketing professional.

John said, “All good, now let’s go to the conference hall and speak in front of the gathering.”

They all reached the conference hall. John looked at “Mike, you go first”. He could see his hesitation, but Mike went and spoke his lines. He looked shaky, though.

“Bill, it’s your turn now.”

Bill looked at him and said in a low voice, “Today I have knee problems, sir. May I speak tomorrow?”

John smiled and looked at the next boy. He knew Bill was nervous.

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Prompt: knee problems

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