Hardship will hit | We will be broken and remoulded.


Life gets rough, yeah..... I know it does.

But hey, in the book of Isaiah 43:2 there is encouragement for us. He (God) said, He will be with us when we are going through the waters, rivers or even through fire

There is something I found a bit hidden in this same Bible quotation. For the first two circumstances, the bible did not specify your motion. As to whether you are running, walking or jogging but when it got to FIRE, there was a specification.

it is written that (Isaiah 43:2) "when you pass through water, I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers; they will not sweep over you.

When you WALK through the fire, you will not be burned. The flames will not set you ablaze."

Ask yourself why should we walk through fire in the first place, lol😂...

This might seem a bit funny. Buy Hey... Anything that passes through fire comes out new.

...Raw meat comes out new and appealing.

...metals need fire and even gold still needs fire.

This is called The Law Of Process.

We need to go through hard times, these hard times might hurt us a lot but heyy.....they are only meant to refine us, to break and remould us and to bring out the inner perfection that is hidden behind the usuals.

Your fire might be financial constraints, sickness, rejection, failure, miscarriages, marriage problems, and even bullying.

Just remember, all these are to help you bring out the inner perfection. They are to set you apart as a tool for honourable purposes. Keep Smiling😊.....don't fade.

You are loved ❤️

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