@mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2334: Bear with me

Hello beautiful people of hive, blissful day to you all.
Here is my entry for freewrite writing prompt day 2334 Bear With Me, its a little story about two lovers who choose another ( second) chance over a divorce.

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Dear Jane

I know am not perfect, i know I'm not the man you dream of, I know i haven't treated you well as you well deserved. I know i wasn't there for you when you needed me most, i know i have disappoint you a lot to ask for a second chance, i know i haven't been a good husband and a good father to our children.
I know i have lied to you in so many occasions, i know I'm not worthy of your love anymore but yet i plea for another chance, i plea for a new beginning together, were we can fix and mend our broken pieces. I plea for a fresh start, to forget about our pass and look unto the future and what its holds in stock for us.

Please bear with me
For this obstacles we face today we shall witness them no more, for its just a matter of time.
Please bear with me for i promise to amend my ways and be that perfect man for you, a good husband and a good father, I thought i could run away from this responsibilities but i have just realize that i can't hide from it anymore.
I know have treated you bad in time past, please bear with me for i promise to treat you well and i promise to love you forever.

I know I'm not worthy to send you this letter but please bear with me if this letter gets to you and find a place in your heart to forgive and accept me back into your life.
I pray and wish this letter gets to you.

                                               Yours Sincerely

She wept after reading the letter, she tried so hard to comfort herself and hide those tears from falling but she couldn't control it anymore. Her mom noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere (her face) she draw close to her and console her with words of comfort.

Few minutes after, there was a knock on the door and behold its her husband, he went on his knees and begged for forgiveness. She couldn't stay angry at him for forever so she forgive him and they both hug each other in unity.

Thank you for visiting my blog 😊

I'm @smartgirl5

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