Cuéntame una historia. Pastel de pollo (Cuento corto) Chicken pie (Short-Story)


Pastel de Pollo

El guardia se acercó, el hombre estaba enfermo y tenía mucha fiebre, lo tocó en la frente y sintió que la piel le ardía.
—Parece que la cosa es seria, Valentín, esto no es bueno.
—Aquí nada es bueno, he pasado mucho tiempo en esta celda de castigo y todavía no he conseguido algo bueno aquí…
—No eres un prisionero modelo, siempre te metes en problemas, eres el que más visita este lugar. ¿Me estás oyendo? Y no quieres aprender.
Valentín abrió los ojos, más de la cuenta, como si ya no pudiera distinguir al hombre que tenía enfrente.
—Sabe lo que recuerdo, a mi abuela, la veo encendiendo ese horno grande de barro, donde ella horneaba panes, allí metía ese pastel de pollo que le quedaba tan sabroso, me decía que era exclusivo para mí porque yo era su niño pequeño, su nieto preferido. Era la única que me miraba con ternura. Me veo haciendo las travesuras que hace un niño y ella reía y me abrazaba, era un niño feliz en ese momento. Cuando mi papá llegaba, le decía que dejara de complacerme, que yo era un bueno para nada…
—Y ¿por qué te decía eso tu papá, Valentín?
—No me gustaba lavar trastes de cocina, ni hacer las tareas escolares y era un cacique en la escuela, todos me tenían miedo y era a mi papá, al que llamaban cuando peleaba en la escuela, después tenía días duros, mi abuela lloraba y yo sentía rabia cuando ella sufría…
Valentín tuvo acceso de tos que le impidió seguir hablando.
—Solo mi abuela se preocupaba por mí, a mi papá lo veía un rato por las noches y lo único que hacía era regañarme y muchas veces me azotaba.
—¿Y tu mamá?
—Ella murió en el parto, yo salí y ella se fue, así que no nos conocimos... ¡Ja, ja, ja! Ironías de la vida... ¡Ahí viene mi abuela! ¡Déjala pasar guardia! Trae pastel de pollo para los dos, ¡déjala pasar!... es mi abuela. ¡Te lo dije, mi abuela siempre está pendiente!
El guardia se quedó mirando como el prisionero Valentín levantó sus brazos para recibir la comida, luego se acuclilló y dejo escapar una sonrisa.
—¡Guardia, ella nunca me abandona!
El guardia se levantó, no sin antes cerrarle los ojos al prisionero. En las sombras vio como una anciana lo levantaba, lo agarraba de la mano para perderse en el silencio.


Chicken pie

The guard approached, the man was sick and had a high fever, he touched him on the forehead and felt that his skin was burning.
-It looks like it's serious, Valentín, this is not good.
-Nothing here is good, I've spent a long time in this punishment cell and I still haven't achieved anything good here?
-You're not a model prisoner, you're always getting into trouble, you're the one who visits this place the most. Are you listening to me? And you don't want to learn.
Valentin opened his eyes, wider, as if he could no longer distinguish the man in front of him.
-You know what I remember, my grandmother, I see her lighting that big clay oven, where she baked breads, there she put that chicken pie that was so tasty, she told me it was exclusively for me because I was her little boy, her favorite grandson. She was the only one who looked at me with tenderness. I see me doing the pranks that a child does and she would laugh and hug me, I was a happy child at that moment. When my dad would arrive, I would tell him to stop indulging me, that I was a good-for-nothing...
-And why did your father tell you that, Valentín?
-I didn't like washing dishes or doing homework and I was a boss at school, everyone was afraid of me and it was my father they called when I fought at school, then I had hard days, my grandmother cried and I felt rage when she suffered...
Valentín had a cough that prevented him from continuing speaking.
-Only my grandmother worried about me, I saw my father for a while at night and all he did was scold me and many times he spanked me.
-What about your mother?
-She died in childbirth, I went out and she left, so we didn't meet? ¡Hahahaha! Ironies of life... Here comes my grandmother! Let her in, guard! She's bringing chicken pie for both of us, let her in!... she's my grandmother, I told you, my grandmother is always watching!
The guard stood watching as the prisoner Valentine raised his arms to receive the food, then squatted down and let out a smile.
-¡Guard, she never leaves me!
The guard stood up, but not before closing the prisoner's eyes. In the shadows, he watched as an old woman lifted him up, grabbed him by the hand and lost himself in the silence.

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