Five minute free write-The old naval officer


A special medal presentation ceremony was held at the national assembly in Korea.

Elizabeth, a serving officer in the Nigerian Navy, had contacted me about her Uncle Ben who served in Korea HMCS Nootka during the war.
We gathered the information and applied to the Korean Government for his Ambassador for Peace Medal. In short order, they contacted her and arranged for the presentation.

Margaret (Ben's daughter), as well as Elizabeth and her family, gathered at the war memorial to officially present his medal.

It’s just so fitting on the 70th anniversary of the cease-fire that it was presented to his family.

Thank you for your service Ben, and same to you Elizabeth.
Have a great day everyone.
They received their award and departed.

Thanks for Reading 😀

This is my entry to the dreemport August challenge in collaboration with Freewriters in partner with @kingleyy , click here to access his post

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