Terrifying encounter /A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words[Eng- Esp]


Terrifying discovery

What I observe: A construction that is a little dark on the outside, but illuminated internally. I see people who seem to be going to a party or meeting. The clothing looks old. We observe different situations through those windows.

What I feel: I feel like it doesn't seem like a good place, I feel the whole atmosphere is not very illuminating in your answer, like a terrifying deception where everyone is going to end up.

My heartbeat already revealed my great fear of entering that building. Luis held my hand tightly, preventing me from falling. Although he knew that place brought back bad memories, I never told him the whole story. With his psychology studies, he insisted on facing the things that scared us the most.

I don't know how I let myself be convinced, my legs simply couldn't support me and without entering I looked like I was drunk with fear. The atmosphere didn't help at all, the poor lighting and the Halloween decorations didn't make my steps easier.

I was sure that we would be devoured by the construction itself, I was sure that mine had not been just a nightmare. Trapped between the walls of that building where her grandparents had died mysteriously and she had survived.

She was too young to explain herself to the police. Bathed in her grandparents' blood she had crawled around the room trying to wake them up.

Sitting there in the large ballroom, which was filled with multiple smells of the feast and the flash of photographic images that came to her. The reality is that upon becoming a more accomplished police officer, she had access to her case file, the photographs of that little girl terrified by strange arms that were carrying her and painted in blood.

There was no explanation for those deaths, a homicide and suicide, it was noted at the end of the folder next to a question mark. There was simply no reason to justify such acts.

She pulled herself together, encouraged by her friend Luis. It was strange to be sitting in a place where it had been a scene of death.

The music flooded the entire room with lots of light in stark contrast to the recurring darkness outside.

The lyrics of the chorus in her grandmother's voice seemed to sing a song that night, which only she heard in her head:

The lunera moon houses pamelas,
the serene moon houses calves,
the mischievous moon houses sparks,
the brave moon marries the teeth.

For her, those letters did not make any common sense, until she remembered in one of the photographs, having seen the glass of water on the nightstand, where her grandfather placed his false teeth. It was empty. Someone had taken him.

What person who is going to kill himself pulls out his teeth?

They were 32 teeth of pure gold.

He immediately knew who had them. His friend Luis had a chain with a gold tooth.



Descubrimiento aterrador

Que observo: Una construcción un poco oscuro en su parte exterior, pero iluminada internamente. Veo personas que parece acudir a una fiesta o reunión. La vestimenta parece antigua. Observamos diferentes situaciones a través de esas ventanas.

Que siento: Siento que no parece un buen lugar, todo el ambiente lo siento poco iluminando en su contesto, como un engaño aterrador a donde van a ir a parar todos.

Ya los latidos del corazón me delataban el gran temor por entrar a esa construcción, Luis me tomaba de la mano con fuerza, impidiendo que me cayera. Aunque el sabía que aquel lugar me traía malos recuerdos, nunca le conté toda la historia. Él con sus estudios de psicología insistía en afrontar las cosas que nos daban más temor.

No sé como me deje convencer, las piernas simplemente no me sostenían y ya sin entrar parecía una borracha del temor. El ambiente no ayudaba para nada, la poca iluminación y los adornos de halloween no facilitaban mis pasos.

Estaba segura que seriamos devorados por la propia construcción, lo mio estaba segura no había sido solo una pesadilla. Atrapadas entre los muros de aquel edificio donde sus abuelos habían fallecido de manera misteriosa y ella había sobrevivido.

Era demasiado pequeña para darles explicaciones a la policía. Bañada con la sangre de sus abuelos había gateado por toda la habitación tratando de despertarlos.

Sentada allí en el gran salón de baile, que estaba llena de múltiples olores del festín y de flash de imágenes fotográficas que le llegaban. La realidad es que al volverse policía de mayor logro tener acceso al archivo de su caso, las fotografías de aquella pequeña niña aterrada por brazos extraños que la cargaban y pintada de sangre.

No había explicación por aquellas muertes un homicidio y suicidio, estaba anotado al final de la carpeta junto a un signo de interrogación. Simplemente no había razón que justificara tales actos.

Ella se recompuso animada por su amigo Luis. Era extraño estar sentada en un lugar donde había sido un escenario de muerte.

La música inundaba todo el salón con mucha luz en severo contraste con la oscuridad afuera recurrente.

Las letras del estribillo en la voz de su abuela parecían entonar una canción aquella noche, que solo oía ella en su cabeza:

La luna lunera casa pamelas,
la luna serena casa terneras,
la luna pícara casa centellas,
la luna valiente casa los dientes.

Para ella aquellas letras no tenía ningún sentido común, hasta que recordó en una de las fotografías, haber visto el vaso de agua de la mesita de noche, donde su abuelo colocaba su dentadura postiza. Estaba vacía. Alguien se lo había llevado.

¿Que persona que se va a matar se saca los dientes?

Eran 32 dientes de oro puro.

En seguida supo quien los tenía. Su amigo Luis tenía una cadena con un diente de oro.


This is my entry in the contest A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Esta es mi participación en el concurso A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words


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